Saturday, July 31, 2010

Missing my Cat & B-funk

Can't believe its been 5 months since I've blogged! I was inspired to continue this morning by reading my friend Katie's blog (thanks!)...

Although the kids have been to grandma & pawpaws house for the past 3 summers, this year is a little harder for me for some reason! I really miss my little aliens!! They've been gone for 20 days now, and I will be picking them up in 10. I remember when they were about to leave to go, Catalina tells me, "Mom, can't we just stay 31 days instead of 30??" Now, she is saying, "Mom, I'm ready to come home, I miss you!" Music to my ears! Branden, I think is also counting the days to come home. Everytime I talk to him, our conversations get a little longer on the phone, and they are always accompanied by a "Mom, I just miss you. I need my mom." Needless to say, I do beleive this will be a very fun homecoming!

I am redecorating their rooms so that they have a nice surprise to come home to. Catalina at first begged for a "High School Musical" room, but I really don't want to do another TV-show themed room because the "fades" are passing much quicker now. I have opted to do just a "girly" theme. Katie, her very stylish aunt (her words), has given me the idea to do it in pink and teal, which are her two favorite colors, accented in brown for a little sophisticated feel. Great idea! Branden, on the other hand, demands a "Toy Story" room. I guess I'll give him one more go with a cartoon-themed room. Regardless, I do believe they will enjoy their returning surprise. Catalina, in fact, has been begging for a new room for quite a while, vowing that "having to look at princesses every day makes her have a headache." So, I'm sure she will celebrate the change.

Another change they are coming home to is our little new addition kitty, Sir Isaac Newton. His "supposed to be owners" named him Butterscotch, which happens to be Catalina's favorite lollipop flavor, but since we are keeping him now, I have decided to change his name. Once I told Catalina his new name - see the rule here is basically this: Mom has to deal with the allergies, so mom picks the name - she relplied very stoically, "That is the stupidest name I've ever heard." Her father and I have been cracking up about this for a couple days now. This is the thing, we had a dog named Einstein, and I chose to follow my "favorite Scientists theme." They're lucky because I really wanted to name him Galileo!

Branden, on the other hand, wants to make sure I know that he wants a lava lamp. I'm not sure where he's getting this from, but wherever he has seen one, he definitely wants one. I miss his cuddles. I miss his affections. And, I even miss him saying "I love you mom" 10000000000 times a day!

Can't wait to share the stories when they return! :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kam Sa Ham Ni Da

Kam Sa Ham Ni Da

Another interesting week! We had Tae Kwon Do accomplishments, piano lessons, laughs, and WAY too much snow!!


I believe sometimes one kid's personality stands out more than the other one - and THIS is Catalina's week. Her and I's week started off on Friday when she was out of school for a teacher day. We do not get much mother/daughter time together (definitely need to change that), but this time we had was awesome! I started off with having a spa day with her, and believe me, she took advantage of it. I don't know when or where I developed the ability to paint really small things on nails, but I just did. One day, I was painting something on my nails, and Catalina has been making me do this since then. One of my "favorite" quotes on Facebook is one of her actually asking me her famous question, "Mom, WHEN are you going to paint my nails?" I wish they would develop fingernail polish for kids that just stayed on...for at least 5 days. Well, she was rather bossy. She wanted flowers, a fleur de lis, and a penguin. So, I finally gave it to her! Then we went shopping. She just HAD to have this pillow that was all fluffy and talked about love; one thing that me...she insisted her brother get something too.

Well, then came the fun stuff...picking up Branden at school. I had to go to the bathroom, but on the first floor of Branden's school, there are only kiddy toilets; there are also NO locks on the door, so Catalina had to hold the door for me. Well when she saw the toilet, she immediately started laughing at me and teasing me. "You are not really gonna use that are you?" Okay, I had no choice. The toilet reached no higher than the middle of my calves. I had to seriously get creative, especially in 3 inch heel boots. So, for the rest of the day, she teased me. But the kicker came when she came home and made a sign that said, "Big Butt vs. Little Toilet" and marched downstairs with it. A week later...she is still teasing me!

She is officially now a "Kingdom Warrior." She got her white belt in Tae Kwon Do the other night, and now she thinks she can beat everyone up. I like how she carries herself; she is very confident. That's something she actually struggles with. Her dad and I are very proud of her. He vouches, as some of you may have read in his recent postings, that in 20 years, he will finally share the secret of the FAMOUS Drill Sergeant Stewart "Monkey Kick!"

Last thing is that on Saturday I gave her a first piano lesson. That girl can identify ALL the notes, including the black keys by both names, her C and G chord, and the whole C-scale up and down with the correct fingering. I will add a video later!


The "isms" of the week:
  • "I'm the smart one of the family."
  • "If God is in everyone, why isn't everyone good like me?"
  • "Ok, look mom, stop being selfish. The radio is not always about you!"
  • "If I get a bald head like daddy, I am going to put a wig on." (after I threatened to shave all his hair off because he tried to cut his hair)
  • I informed him that the next day of school (spirit week) was Cowboy day. He replies, "Mom, I am NOT a Cowboy, I'm a Saint."
He can read some words now and write his complete name! I am so very proud of him! He was also present during our piano lesson and he learned C, E, F, and B. That's all we had the attention span for, but despite that, it was pretty amazing he learned that! This morning it was crazy hair/mis match day at school. I didn't know he was so into fashion because he WOULD NOT walk out the school as I dressed him. I even straightened his hair and spiked it up. He was so cute! He would not let me take a picture. Maybe I'll try to sneak one in this afternoon!! LOL Biggest thing...STILL TEASING HIS BIG SIS!!

Ready for the blizzard & SUPERBOWL this weekend! Our Who-Dat Family can't wait to watch history made!!! Go N'awlins!!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fire, ITS A FIRE!!!!!

Boy, this week was pretty interesting! They are truly a product of their father and mother... Before Charles and I had kids, we used to joke, "they are gonna be little genius, wanna be superkids, who have something to say about everything, are not scared of anything, and run on a full tank of energy for 23 out of 24 hours in a day." Well, all I can say is that we got what we bargained for! So, here's the breakdown of the week:


So, she's still "into" Tae Kwon Do. Charles has actually been taking her to classes, but because he had to work tonight, I took her. I was watching her and I went through 2 emotions - "How cute!" and "Won't that girl PAY ATTENTION!!!!" My Pastor's son, Joseph, and daughter, Isabella, have tons of patience to deal with her ADD self!! :) With all that said, she loves it, and after just 3 or so weeks, she'll get to the point to where she can practice discipline. She IS the only one in her class that can do a split!!

I do have to admit, I am nervous that she is getting her report card soon. She hasn't been doing that great, especially in Reading, but last time I was so upset that she got mostly S's (the equivalent to C's). When I was a kid, I made STRAIGHT A's - I mean on tests and EVERYTHING - and its frustrating to not see the same thing in your kids. She is unbelievably smart - and I think sometimes my expectations are WAY too high. Its a question of "do you push hard or let things go as they may?"

Something Charles and I were talking about today is how she is beginning to make up songs...about EVERYTHING! The funniest ones are when she sings about her life being unfair because she has to clean her room, or her dad being mean, her mom making her read, you know 7 year old drama stuff. This child wears the drama-queen crown well! However, I do love hearing her in her room, alone, singing about Jesus. THAT makes me smile :)


Oh, boy, where do I start? So, as some of you know, Branden is like Momma's Cooking Helper. He really shows an interest in cooking, so I let him help. Well, Sunday, he set our microwave on fire!!! Although he knows basically how to use it...he can melt a butter stick (with help) and other stuff. Apparently he got hungry and we were not moving fast enough for him. So, Branden takes it upon himself to take 4 pizza rolls out of the freezer, put them on a plate, and put them in the microwave for about, oh, 20 minutes!!! I was upstairs watching the Saints game (WHO DAT!!!) and although I was congested and sick, I smelled something burning. How in the world did Charles and Catalina not smell it or see the smoke I don't know, but our house was CONSUMED by smoke. So of course we had to air it out and toss the microwave, but we are all, thankfully, okay.

He got his report card this week, and again, mom wasn't satisfied. Do I ask too much? Actually I don't think so. He is the youngest in his class, and to my surprise, one of the top students. The actual grades don't upset me, but the fact that he went down a letter grade on some things does. Maybe its laxidasical parenting. I've slacked off, I'll be honest. So, this "semester" we are going to work on B-funk's writing!

And finally...the Brandenisms. Maybe its just me, but this boy is hilarious!!

  • We had just listened to the country song "Redneck Woman." I guess he liked it because after it was over he said, "Mom, put that 'Big Woman's Neck' song back on!" I just about had to stop the car because I couldn't stop laughing.
  • As he was trying to "give me a shot" he says, "Trust me, mom, I'm a doctor!" I'm just hoping he loses this line before he hits the teenage years!
  • "Dad's are supposed to be mean, mom...that's why they are taller."
  • "When you sing, you sound like a beautiful angel...except when you sing in the shower." Gee, thanks, Branden, LOL
That's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure there's more. One of my favorite things about him, that I was reminded of tonight, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that when he cracks up laughing, he get's hiccups...EVERYTIME!

Anyway, looking forward to another week in the lives of the Stewart Littles! I think of people, including myself, who've had miscarriages and experienced the loss of an unborn child- (I know one friend who's lost 5 kids in less than a year), and all I can do is thank God that I have these two blessings. Thank you God for such wonderful blessings.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The First Adventures of 2010


The 4 year old mommy's boy...

This has got to be one of the most affectionate kids I have ever met. He tells me about a 100 times a day that he loves me. His new thing is this: "Mom, you're the best, best, best,bestest, bestest. bestest, bestest, bestest, bestest, bestest mom I ever,ever, ever, ever,ever. ever, ever, ever, ever, ever had!!!"

Of course, I love to hear it, but I have to admit, I love hearing his sister's disgruntled reply as well: "Branden, she's the ONLY mom you've ever had...DUH!!!!" (as she shakes her head). I have decided to start writing his "Brandenisms" in this blog. This dude is funny. He says some crazy stuff! Two things he's said this year so far is this:
  • He told a man that goes to our church, Arthur, who was teasing him for hurting his sister, "When I get big, you better watch out because I am coming after you and I'm gonna beat you up!" He was pointing his finger and all!
  • As I was fixing my hair the other day, he tells me this: "mom, I know how to make your hair fabulous." I ask, "how's that Branden?" "You can get one of those bump-its like on the commercial and it will make your hair fabulous." Then proceeds to tell me that his Auntie Katie is going to get one too so she can be fabulous.
So, yeah, he's just funny. He tells his dad yesterday that the guy came in the house to fix our satellite dish took a shower while he was here - imagine the questions that raised, hehe! All the while he was watching him like a hawk in our backyard. Then later on he says, "Mom, the refrigerator told me I had to drink this juice right now (those who know him know he's ADDICTED to juice).

On a serious note...he is doing amazingly well in school. He's in pre-K at a Christian private school. He's taken over our dinner prayer before we eat, and NEVER goes to bed without reminding me to pray for him. I am so glad tho because he's realizing, whether he knows it or not that prayer works! His teacher says he is the most well-behaved child in his class...surprising, I know! He's learning to write his letters and can spell his name. I'm so proud of my baby.

Lastly...the ONE THING I love the most in Branden's new changes...HE IS A SAINTS FAN!!! Someone at church corrupted him last year into rooting for the Cowboys, so this year it was my goal to groom him into a little Saint's fan like his sister and I. "WHO DAT!!!"



The 7 year old drama queen...

This year so far, Catalina has been working on not whining as much. We had a talk with her explaining the importance of respecting when people say "no" and to learn to obey without asking "why?" for every single little thing. However, we added a little incentive: Tae Kwon Do. Although she started out in ballet, and she will return this year, she has recently taken an interest in Martial Arts. She worked hard with no whining for 2 weeks beginning the year so that she would be able to join the Tae Kwon Do group at our church. So far, so good!

I am still awed by how smart she is in Math; in fact her teacher told me the other day that when other children don't get a concept in class, she often calls on Catalina to help clarify. She's actually working on multiplication at the moment, which is really impressive for a second-grader. A chip off the old block? I hope!! :)

We are working on her reading because her teacher says she needs to be a lot higher up than she is. I think what's really going on is that she is used to watching TV so much that the respect of reading just isn't there. So, we reduced her viewing time to 1 hour a day. I think once she builds confidence that she is a good reader, she'll be ok. Another thing she takes after her mother with is art. She is becoming quite the little artist. I'm so proud...*sniff, sniff*

I have been home the past couple weeks, so I've had a lot more time with her. I have observed the same bratty, bullying behavior in her towards Branden that I used to display to my brother, Ralph. It is actually funny and I often crack up when she's not looking. I see myself in her...majorly! However, Branden isn't too happy about it. He often fights back...and boy do they go at it. Physical? YES!!!!

She's been singing a lot on her new Karaoke machine and has also been playing her new Hannah Montana guitar (the one that her Uncle Joe wants to play at church, lol) and I think she might really start to learn some things. That's awesome. You know I gotta raise up some future worship leaders, so why not start now? Although I have to admit, the song "Party in the USA" is the most frequently played song in the house...

New Year

So, we are now in a new year. I've promised to update this blog pretty regularly so that I can always have something to show my kids when they are older about their lives growing up. I hope this year brings about new changes in motherhood because I've vowed to make that big priority this year. I feel like going to school has really taken away from my children because mom was always busy, but school is finally done - for a while - and now its time to focus on the right things...

Anyway, enjoy Catalina & Branden! Mommy loves you more than you will ever know.